Saturday, August 26, 2006

Thinking Soul Pictures Part 4
The overwhelming sensation of pleasure on seeing Bella Mullen’s work was equally entwined with the sense of intelligence and grace which pulsate from each picture. Her works are sensory statements full of abstract realities, the customary world is altered in favour of a more real world – not a world inhabited by those who lay down commandments and prohibitions but rather a spiritually enchanted world which thoughtful art in its truest sense should always be seeking to identify and fulfil.

In this respect Bella, like Rene Magritte, uses painting as an instrument of thinking and philosophical wisdom, as well as a means of recognition of the reality of universal unity. Her work simultaneously demonstrates to the eye and the intellect the uncertain character of everything making up the realm of the visible whilst maintaining the fundamental of universal unity.

To fully perceive Bella Mullen’s work it is essential to understand that Art does not take up a meaning already inherent in reality, but quite the reverse, it is Art which conveys meaning and deeper understanding upon reality by opening up previously undreamt of paths which present life with new horizons, indeed Thinking Soul Pictures.

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