Sunday, August 20, 2006

As mentioned in an earlier post, it is intended to examine the delicacy of Bella's art work and in order to achieve this it is necessary to highlight certain areas of the paintings so that the beauty of them may be more fully seen. In this example I have highlighted the central middle section of 'When Two Souls Meet'.As you can see there is a tremendous amount of activity in the work that initially goes un-noticed when first viewing the image on-line, by this I mean that in the original, with it's larger size, it is possible to see the intricate work, a gem like quality, that exists in each work, but unfortuately is a quality of image issue when viewed full scale on-line.

It is now much easier to see in this detail: the plants; water; butterfly; fish; and the intricate 'dotting' that is such a major characteristic of Bella Mullen's work.Examine the detailed piece and then return to the full scale image below and you will be able to appreciate much more the amount of work and intensity that resonates from this piece of beautiful work.

This is the first of Bella's paintings to be posted here.

This is a painting entitled " When Two Souls Meet".
The original measures 21" x 13", is acrylic on board and was painted in 1999.

This image shows the complete picture, although the colouring is not 100% accurate to the original, due to having been taken under flash condtions.

In the next posting we will look at the image in greater detail so that the technique utilised by Bella Mullen can be seen more clearly.

This site is dedicated to the visionary artistic works of Bella Mullen.

It is intended to post here various works and to examine in greater detail the pictures which Bella Mullen has painted.

There will also in time become available various pieces of background information and detail with regard to the work of Bella Mullen.

Please feel free to add your comments as the blog progresses.